Chapter 3

Ranvijay's POV

After I left the Oberoi Mansion in anger, I went straight towards my office. If Mr. Oberoi thinks that he can control me then he's living in delusion because he has lost all those rights long ago.

Ranvijay's Cabin

Thinking about what happened this morning, the only thing that stood out to me was that girl. It was like those mesmerizing brown orbs had casted a spell on me. When I saw her eyes, I just couldn't look away. It was like there is nothing else around me other than those pretty eyes. I think I am losing my mind, how can I just crush on some random girl's eyes.

I should just concentrate on my work rather than thinking about her. With this I called my P.A. to get my today's schedule.

"Ankush, my schedule for today" I asked him as soon as he entered my cabin.

"Sir, there is a weekly meeting today at 12 pm regarding the company's overall report and other than that you have a meeting at 8 pm regarding the underworld with Mr. Bansal." He spoke

"Alright, inform everyone that I will attend the weekly meeting, and I expect no mistakes in the reports" I said and gestured to Ankush to leave.

As he left the cabin, I engrossed myself in work. A few minutes passed by and I was not able to focus on my work. This is the first time something like this is happening. The only thing going on in my mind is that girl. I am getting angry at myself for letting someone interrupt my thoughts like this. I am not even able to give my full concentration on my work.

I went towards my cabin's balcony to get some fresh air so that I can work properly without being distracted. I just sat on the couch with my eyes closed.


Suddenly, I hear faint knocks reaching my ears. Was I really just sleeping here? Just then I heard a knock again along with Ankush's voice.

"Come in" I said and moved inside the cabin.

"Sir, the meeting is about to start, everyone is waiting for you." He said and I nodded.

When he left the cabin, I went to the bathroom to freshen up. After a few minutes, I reached the conference room where every head from each department was already present along with a few employees from each department. When I moved inside, everyone wished me good afternoon to which I replied, "Good afternoon everyone, take a seat all and start the meeting, and remember I don't want any mess."

Just as I said the words, everyone immediately took their seats while the accounting department was looking a little scared.

"What happened Mr. Yadav, why are you and your team looking tense?" I asked to which Mr. Yadav's face paled, now I'm sure something is wrong.

"I asked what's wrong Mr. Yadav" I asked again in a raised voice since he is not saying anything and is testing my patience.

"Sir, act-actually the balance sheet is n-not completed ye-yet." Mr. Yadav spoke while stuttering, making me completely lose my patience.

"What do you mean the balance sheet is not ready, it was supposed to be completed last week. It's already a week over and you are saying that it's not completed yet. May I know the reason, why are you and your team not working?" I asked in a loud voice. This is not how the work should be done, I am very disciplined about my work and these types of mistakes have no forgiveness. Accounting is one of the departments where there should be no mistakes at all.

Just a little delay in the balance sheet can cause inaccurate financial planning along with other issues like Cash-flow and complicated audits.

"S-sir that -" He started speaking when I cut him in the middle.

"Stop stuttering and answer my damn question." After hearing me, he became more scared.

"Sir there is an error, and we are trying to find it but it's taking a long time." This further increased my anger.

"Ankush, hire a new head for accounting department, and Mr. Yadav you are demoted as you are not able to fulfill your duties as a head. You all have a week to find the error, or else I won't think twice before firing the whole accounting department. I spoke and asked the other departments to continue the meeting. Fortunately there was no other mess. The meeting took about 1.5 hours in total, and I left for my cabin.

As I entered my cabin, there was Rahul sitting on my chair, correcting not just sitting but also rolling the chair as if it’s some sort of an adventure ride. Will anyone believe by looking at him that this creature is going to turn 20 soon? I shaked my head with a sigh.

"Get out of my chair, it's not a toy for you to play with" I said in a loud voice which caused him to fall down the chair as he had not noticed me entering the cabin.

"Bhai, look what you did. You could have asked me a little politely like, 'Rahul, you will get hurt by playing with the chair', or something like 'Rahul you can play as much as you want just don't hurt yourself'" He spoke with a big smile on his face. I'm sure he is going to get a beating from me soon.

"I don't care if you get hurt or not, now get out of my office. I need to work, I am not free like you." I said walking towards my chair, without looking at him who was still on the ground.

"Nobody loves me, I came here to show you my achievement and look you don't even want me in your office." He said dramatically with a sigh, getting up from the ground and settlin himself on the couch.

"Stop with your drama, and tell me why are you here" I asked knowing very well he won't leave without completing what he came for. This guy doesn't have any fear of me, I wonder why because I always behave rudely with him. Still he comes here often to spend time with me.

"I was here to share something important with you but now I don't want to as you said you don't care about me which is a white lie and you left the house this morning without even meeting me. I am very angry with you and now I don't want to talk to you." Is this guy on periods, why the fuck is he having these mood swings.

"Don't waste my time Rahul, I'm already not in a good mood today. If you want to say something then say it because I have a lot of other things to focus on." I said in a final tone.

"You are no fun, bhai" He muttered under his breath but I heard it. He got up from the couch and walked towards me with a paper in his hand.

"Look, I wanted to show this to you." He said with a big smile while handing me the paper. What is it now?

“I got a 85 on my Stats test, I told you I would do great on it.” 

“Did you cheat on the test?” I asked, not believing that he can get a 85 without cheating as the most he got till now on Stats was a 70. That was also because he was preparing for the test sitting in my cabin.

“What, no I didn’t cheat, why is it so hard to believe that I can do it on my own.” He asked with a hurt face, did I ask the wrong question but it’s not my fault. Rahul and stats are like poles apart. 

"It's because this is the first time you did so well on it." I replied casually but he was narrowing his eyes at me.

"Cut it now, and tell me how you did it because this is unbelievable." I asked him who settled himself on the couch again and took out his phone to call someone.

"Ankush bhaiya, can you bring something for me to eat? I didn't even have my breakfast properly. Get some chole bhature, some jalebi, and chocolate milkshake for me. And get something for bhai also, he is looking at me right now. I don't want to share my food. Thanks" He gave his lunch order to Ankush. Is this some restaurant where he is giving orders to my employee? And why the hell would I eat his food, he is for sure going to give me gray hair soon.

"And now back to your question, I did amazing on the test because Di helped me to study. You know she is so good at it, even more than you. She explained it to me so well that it didn't seem complicated at all." What does he mean that she is even better than me and if she explained it so well then why didn't he get a 100. And who is this Di of his, wait is he talking about the same girl I saw this morning.

"Rahul, whom are you talking about?" I asked him

"Amaya di, she has been living with us from the past month." Amaya, I think I have heard this name before but I am unable to remember. But I'm still not sure if she is the same girl. As I was thinking, I heard a knock on the door along with Ankush's voice.

"Come in" Ankush came into the cabin along with food parcels in his hands. He kept Rahul's food in front of him and kept my usual lunch on my desk.

Rahul started eating the food as if he hasn't eaten anything in years.

"Eat slowly, nobody's taking your food away from you." I said and started eating my own food. I wanted to ask Rahul about Amaya but I don't want him to think anything stupid as I never ask about anyone in Oberoi mansion from him.

But the thing I am not able to understand is why am I even thinking about that girl in the first place. I don't even remember her whole face as my whole focus was on her magical brown eyes. Her face is kind of blurry in my mind right now, but I am completely sure I will recognize her in no time if I see her again.

As I looked towards the couch, I saw Rahul comfortably sleeping on the couch after finishing up his food. He's already finished, this kid eats like the whole world is after his food. I stood up and went towards the room which is attached to my cabin and brought a blanket with me. I covered up Rahul with the blanket and immersed myself in work.

He and Aarav are the only ones whom I talk with. Aarav and I share a friendly bond as we are almost the same age. Aarav is also involved in the underworld with me. He was never in favor of this but 2 years back when he lost 3 members of his family including his father, he asked me to let him join.

He believes that it was a planned incident, on which I agree with him but we are not able to track the culprit as he has completely hidden himself somewhere. Once we get our hands on him, there is no way he will be saved.

On the other hand, I don't share any emotional bond with Rahul. But he always invites himself to my office and house. I used to be very rude in the beginning, but this guy never gave up. And now, I don't even try to stop him because I know he will come here to meet me no matter what I say.

After a couple of hours when I looked at the time, it’s already 6 and this kid was sleeping for more than 2 hours. I went towards Rahul, and tapped his shoulder to wake him up.

“Rahul get up, you should go home now it’s already 6, your family won’t like you to stay out for so long.” I said, still tapping his shoulder.

It’s okay bhai, they will not worry about me knowing that I’m currently with you.” He mumbled in his sleep.

They must be more worried because they know you are me right now. I don’t want to take any more responsibility, I won’t be able to handle it this time.

“Rahul, enough now and get up, I have a meeting in some time so I will be leaving soon, it’s better for you to go to your house.” I said in a strict way causing him to finally wake up.

“Okay bhai, I’ll leave but I’ll come soon to meet you again. Bye.” With this Rahul took his backpack and hugged me tightly before leaving the cabin. He always does this even though I never respond to his hug still before leaving my office or house, he hugs me.

After finishing up my meeting with Mr. Bansal, I went back to my house. Here I am back, another day passed by being all alone. Yes, I do have a namesake family, but I don’t consider them my own and I will never. No matter how lonely I feel in this world, it’s a lot better than being with Oberois, at least for me. They are a great family for Rahul but not for me, at least someone is getting their genuine love other than being a burden on them.


2200+ words

So this was chapter 3

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