Chapter 2

Amaya's POV

When Aunty asked me to wake up Rahul, I started moving towards his room which is upstairs. I and choti maa have been living in choti maa's parents house for the past month, this is because bhai is out of India currently. And he said it's not safe for us to live alone until he comes back, honestly I am missing him so much. He never let me feel like I am not his real sister.

As I was busy thinking, I reached Rahul's room and as expected this kid is still sleeping. God knows what Uncle will do if he sees him still sleeping. It's already 8 and his college starts at 9, he is probably going to be late for his lecture today.

I moved towards him and called his name but as usual got no response, "Rahul, wake up or else you will be late."

"Aisa lagta hai jaise ghode bech ke soya hai yeh" I said while shaking my head. (Seems like he slept after selling horses)

There was so much shouting going in the house since morning, still it had no effect on Rahul's sleep.

But that man, Ranvijay, was so scary and his eyes held a deadly glare. I am sure he can kill a person just with his glare. Rakshas (Monster)

I know he is Vikram Uncle's son but he does not live in this house, not sure why, this is the first time I saw him. When I was a kid, bhai used to tell me about his childhood memories with him. When we were kids bhai always asked me to accompany him to Oberoi mansion, but I would always refuse since I couldn't live without my parents even for a few minutes.

And here I am now, it has been 2 years of me living without them. I wish I could meet them, but it is not possible anymore. Sometimes I think what if I had not survived the accident, then maybe I could be with them now.

Suddenly I felt a hand wiping my tears, which I didn't even realize when they started flowing.

I saw Rahul standing in front of me, frowning while looking at me. When did he wake up, oh god why I always get lost in my thoughts that I never even realize what is going on around me. I came here to wake up Rahul, but instead of that here he was wiping my tears. I really hate sometimes thinking how weak I am that I can start crying anytime.

"Why are you crying di, did someone say something to you? Wait I'll go take everyone's class, how dare someone hurt my sister." There we go, his protective brother mode got on, which we developed in this month.

"No one said anything to me, you know my overthinking mind just randomly starts thinking anything, don't worry I am all okay. But I don't think that you will be okay for much longer" I said, stopping him from going downstairs.

"Means" he asked being confused

"Look at the time dummy, it's 8:20 already, and your college starts in 40 mins. So you better get ready or uncle won't leave you today. Even I won't be able to save you this time, since uncle is not in a good mood today."

"OMG, I'll see you in a few minutes" He said while running towards the bathroom.

I was about to leave when he peeked through the door, making a puppy face. Oh I know this face, he probably needs me to do something for him. I should leave before he says something, and as expected as I turned to leave he stopped me while saying, "Diiiii"

"What" I said while looking at him.

"You know I am almost late, so can you iron my t-shirt please. I would have asked someone else to do it, but it's my favorite t-shirt so I don't really trust anyone with it except you and mom. I can't ask mom, because then Dad will know that I woke up late. Pleaseeeee. " He said while making an innocent face, now I can't even deny him. I nodded with a sigh.

"Thank you di, you are the best" He spoke and went inside the bathroom after handing me his t-shirt. He is such a kid, the most pampered child of this house, just like how I used to be a few years back.

As I was Ironing his t-shirt, suddenly I heard his voice.

"Why is papa not in a good mood today, did mom forgot to give him a kiss today?" He said, making my eyes go wide, did he really say this? Oh God, I was about to burn my hand. Then I heard a laughing sound coming from the bathroom, he was laughing at his own words.

"Shut up Rahul, you are not supposed to say something like this about your parents" I said while keeping his t-shirt on the bed.

"Your brother was here this morning, your dad and brother had an argument. That's the reason Uncle is not in a good mood today." I said.

"Oh, that means both devils got into arguments early in the morning, and I missed the whole drama. You should have woken me up, this is not fair." This drama queen, the whole family is worried and this kid wants to enjoy the drama. Why did I even expect a mature reply from him?

"Nothing can be done to you, now hurry up I am leaving." I spoke and left the room towards the dining table where everyone else was already present.

"Nawabzaada uth gaya ya abhi bhi so raha hai" Uncle asked as soon as he saw me. (Did the prince wake up or still sleeping?)

"He is getting ready uncle, he'll be here in 5 mins." I replied nervously, he nodded and I went to sit next to choti maa.

After a few minutes, Rahul was running down the stairs but as soon as he saw Uncle, he quickly stopped running and started walking towards the dining table.

“Good morning everyone” Rahul said with a bright smile while picking up a sandwich from the table.

“Bye everyone” He said and was about to turn when Aunty stopped him.

“Sit down and then eat the sandwich.” Aunty said in a strict voice.

“Mom, I’m getting late, I’ll eat it on my way out” Rahul said while taking a bite from his sandwich.

“This is the reason, we want you to wake up early. Eating breakfast like this is becoming your habit” Uncle spoke looking at Rahul.

“Forget it, tell me about your Business Stats test, what did you get on it?”

“Dad, that test was so easy, I got a 85 out of 100” Rahul said with a big smile. While Uncle just nodded his head.

“All thanks to Amaya, or else we all know what kind of hate relationship you have with Stats” Uncle said while Rahul narrowed his eyes at his father. Meanwhile, I was just shocked because no one knew about me helping Rahul with his studies, then how Uncle got to know about it.

“Really Amaya, thank you so much for helping him to study because I was completely shocked that he got a 85. I almost thought my son got exchanged.” Ragini Aunty said with a smile while all the family members started laughing at the statement.

“Di helped me but I also made efforts, still no one is appreciating it. I won’t talk to anyone, Bye” Rahul said with a betrayed look on his face.

“It’s nothing like that, I’m so proud of you. Finally you are putting in the efforts, no one will say anything to my son, not even you Vikram.” Aunty said while pulling Rahul’s cheeks on which he made a face but later hugged Aunty while looking at Uncle. Oh I know where this is going, he loves to irritate Uncle.

On the other hand, Uncle was glaring at Rahul. After pulling out of the hug, Rahul kissed Aunty’s cheek while still looking at Uncle.

Uncle stood up from his chair and picked up a spoon and threw it at Rahul, which he dodged.

“You brat, come back now” Rahul was running around the table with uncle right behind him.

“Dad, I’m your son and you shouldn’t be jealous of your own son” Rahul spoke with a teasing smile.

“Vikram stop it, why are you always behind him? He didn’t even do anything” Aunty spoke defending Rahul while uncle just stared at aunty.

“Alright bye everyone, and mom I will be a little late today while coming home, I am going to meet bhai” Rahul said and soon left for college on his bike.

When Rahul said bhai, I sensed a change in Uncle’s eyes, he was looking a bit hurt. This family is so confusing. On one hand it feels like this family is so perfect but on the other hand when they were having an argument this morning, each person looked so hurt, especially Uncle and his elder son.

So what can be a reason that Ranvijay hates everyone so much, that he even called their care fake. As much as I have observed this morning, Ranvijay felt really broken from inside, as there was some sort of longing in his voice and eyes.

This morning, I was about to come outside when I heard him shouting, calling for Uncle. The only reason I didn’t go outside was because of his shouting and anger. After my accident, sometimes loud noises can trigger my anxiety. It doesn’t happen every time but I didn’t want to take any risk, so I stayed in my room putting on my headphones.

And when I thought he was gone, I opened the door only to see him looking directly into my eyes which made me quickly close the door, and that’s when I heard him calling his family members fake.

“Amaya, you haven’t even finished your sandwich yet, now I will complain to Aarav that you are not eating properly.” Choti maa spoke, bringing me back from my thoughts. If bhai got to know that I’m not eating properly, then I will get a big lecture from him and on top of that he will make me eat more than my usual meal.

I have iron deficiency and because of this bhai and choti maa always make sure that I’m eating enough and healthy. I also have to take iron pills which I often forget, and one time bhai got to know about it, so now he regularly asks me if I have taken the pills or not.

“No, no choti ma, don’t tell him anything see I’m eating now.” I started eating and choti maa gave me a small smile while nodding her head.

“By the way Amaya, you helped Rahul in studying so well that he did impressive in stats for the first time, and I know you did your major in business as well. Then why don’t you accompany Aarav in business” Vikram uncle asked me. But before I could reply I heard a familiar voice which made me look back in a hurry. There was Bhai walking towards us with a big smile on his face.

“Bhai” I said and went near him and he took me into a brotherly hug. Oh I missed him so much.

After pulling out of the hug, bhai went to meet everyone, choti maa was so happy to see him back.

“Why didn’t you inform us that you were coming back from London.” Choti maa asked him

“Maa, then how would I have given a surprise to you all, now leave all that I’m so hungry and tired. Let me eat something first.” Bhai said while setting himself on a chair.

“Mamu, even I have been asking her for a long time to help me in business. You know she was one of the best students during her college years. And even when she did her internship, she was doing absolutely great.” Bhai said while looking at Uncle.

“Then Amaya, you should definitely join the business along with Aarav.” Uncle said while I was getting nervous. I don’t know what to say now.

“I will think about it Uncle” I said, not finding any other excuse, and left for my room.



So this was chapter 2, do let me know how was it and give reviews

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