Chapter 1

Author’s POV

“Mr. Oberoi, come outside right now” A man shouted from the living room.

As soon as the man’s voice echoed throughout the house, all family members came outside from their rooms and gathered in the living room with worried faces.

“Ranvijay, when did you come here and what’s wrong, why are you shouting early in the morning” Vikram Singh Oberoi asked his son calmly.

“Cut it short Mr. Oberoi and you tell me what is wrong with you, and with whose permission you decided to interfere in my life” Ranvijay spoke with anger.

“Who gave you the right to decide for me when and whom I will marry, as long as I remember I never gave you that right” Ranvijay further added while raising his voice at Vikram, while the whole family was silently watching the scene with worried faces.

“Ranvij-“ Ragini decided to intervene between the father-son duo but was silenced in the middle by Ranvijay as he raised his arm in the air, stopping her from saying anything further.

“Mrs. Oberoi, I’m talking with Mr. Oberoi so none of you all will interfere in between, and Mr. Oberoi will you care to explain what I asked” Ranvijay first spoke while looking at the family and then again returned his attention to Vikram who still hasn’t answered.

“Ranvijay, if you are forgetting then let me remind you that I am your father and I do not need anyone’s permission to do anything that is related to you, I have all the rights as your father to fix your marriage” Vikram spoke with an authoritative tone while the whole family was scared of Ranvijay’s reaction as they are very well aware of his anger.

“Mr. Oberoi looks like you are growing old. That is the reason why you still believe that you can take any decision related to my life, so old man listen to me because I will not repeat this again. I DO NOT CONSIDER YOU MY FATHER, YOU HAVE LOST THAT RIGHT MANY YEARS AGO” Ranvijay said while shouting the last part.

“It does not matter to me if you consider me your father or not because you are my son and nobody can change that fact, and I have fixed your marriage with my friend’s daughter, Shalini, you will be marrying her next month and this is final.” Vikram spoke in a final voice.

“I will not marry her at all, do you get that Mr. Oberoi?” Ranvijay spoke while gritting his teeth and turned to leave the house but the next words of Vikram froze him in his place.

“Looks like you do not want your mother’s last property, which is still under my name.” As soon as Vikram spoke these words Ranvijay’s eyes became moist but soon he composed himself and looked at Vikram with deadly eyes.

“Vikram what are you saying, please stop all this.” Ragini whispered-yelled at Vikram.

“The papers clearly say that you will not get that property until you are married. The property will be under me until you complete the terms, but now my condition is that I want you to get married to the girl I have chosen for you and then the property is all yours” Vikram said

Suddenly Ranvijay started clapping slowly and said, “playing games, are we Mr. Oberoi?”

“Of course junior Oberoi”, said Vikram with a smirk.

“Amazing, then get ready to lose Mr. Oberoi because Ranvijay Singh Oberoi always wins, I will not marry whoever you have chosen for me and I will also get the property” Ranvijay challenged looking straight in Vikram’s eyes.

By saying this Ranvijay turned to move, at the same moment his eyes met with beautiful brown eyes, who were peeking out from the door of one of the rooms. As soon as their eyes met, the girl quickly closed the door.

Although the interaction was very short, Ranvijay found himself getting mesmerized by those eyes. He was still standing at the same place looking towards the closed door when Ranvijay’s grandmother came towards him and placed her hand on his shoulder, making him come out of the trance of those brown orbs.

“Ranvijay you came to this house after so long, can’t you stay for sometime with us” Grandmother spoke with a very soft voice.

“Maa is right Ranvijay, at least have breakfast with us, it has been years since we all sat together as a family” This time Ragini spoke agreeing with her mother-in-law.

“Family” Ranvijay chuckled

“Mrs. Oberoi, none of you all need to show your fake concerns towards me, I can very well take care of myself. I don’t need a so-called family to be with, remember this and do not try to become my mother, because you are not.”

“And moreover, I think you should focus on your husband, who is blackmailing me with my real mother’s property. As much as I know this is not how families are supposed to behave. Anyways there is no need for me to waste my time here, I have many more important things to deal with than to be here with a so-called family.” Ranvijay said in a final tone and left the mansion.

As soon as Ranvijay stepped outside the mansion and came near his car, he hit the bonnet of the car with his hand and said, “You did very wrong by bringing my mother into all this, now I will show you who Ranvijay actually is Mr. Oberoi.”

With this Ranvijay sat in his car and left for his office, RSO Empire.

RSO Empire

Ranvijay is living separately from Oberoi’s from a long time, almost for 12 years, he was around 18 years old when he left Oberoi mansion and started working part time and over the time he built is own empire which is ruling the business world and is also a rival to Vikram’s business, Oberoi industries.

Along with this Ranvijay also got involved into Mafia and now is one of the biggest and most feared Mafia in the underworld. He is a devil who does not care about anyone else other than himself.


Oberoi Mansion

On the other hand, inside the Oberoi mansion everyone was looking towards Vikram with questioning faces, they were not able to figure out why did Vikram blackmailed Ranvijay using his mother’s name even after being known to the fact that how much of a sensitive topic this is for Ranvijay.

“Vikram, are you going to say something about this matter, when you clearly know Ranvijay and his anger then why did you fix his marriage with someone that too without even asking him?” Harshvardhan asked his son.

“Then what do you all expect me to do, he is already 30 years old, if not now then when will he get married. I had already given him 3 years to find someone for himself, but we all can see that there is nobody in his life. He lives all alone, he does not even talk with us. I don’t want him to continue living this emotionless lifestyle all alone anymore.

I have decided that he will marry Shalini, and now no one can stop me from doing this.” Vikram said and went to his room.

“Bhabhi why don’t you talk with bhai, I’m sure he will listen to you. Ask him not to do this or there is no way he will be able to mend his relationship with Ranvijay, instead it might get worse.” Neha spoke to her sister-in-law.

As the Oberoi family was talking, a girl who was inside the room since morning, came out and stood next to Neha.

“Amaya, it’s good that you have come. Can you please go and wake up Rahul or else this boy will get late for college until then I’ll take a look in the kitchen if breakfast is ready or not.” Ragini spoke with a polite smile.

“Yes Auntyji, I will wake him up.” Amaya replied with a smile and moved towards the direction of the stairs.

Amaya is an orphan girl, who was adopted by Anil and Aditi Mehra when she was only 5 years old. Since then she has been living with the Mehra family, who are also involved in the business world. 2 years back when Anil, Aditi, Rajesh, and Amaya were returning home from a business party, suddenly their car met with an accident.

Anil was driving the car and Aditi was sitting on the passenger seat next to Anil while Rajesh and Amaya were seated on the back seats. There was another car behind them which had their guards in it.

All of sudden, their car was hit by a huge truck coming from the opposite direction, this didn’t even allow time for anyone to process what happened. Anil and Aditi died on the spot while Rajesh and Amaya went unconscious.

The guards immediately took them to the hospital and informed Aarav about the incident, who was still attending the business party. Neha was not well so she stayed at home that day.

As soon as Aarav reached the hospital, he was informed that the doctors couldn’t save Rajesh while Amaya was still in danger.

However, the next day doctors informed Aarav and Neha that Amaya was out of danger but they still had to keep her in hospital for treatment. After a few days, Aarav performed the last rights of his Bade papa, Badi maa, and father, while Amaya was still unknown to the fact that her parents and uncle are no more. The main reason behind this was that Amaya was suffering from post accident trauma.

So to avoid giving any kind of further stress to Amaya, Aarav decided not to disclose any more details about the accident with Amaya.

Since the day Amaya had gained consciousness, she was continuously asking about her parents. But Aarav avoided the situation by saying that they need rest that’s why she cannot meet them yet.

Even Neha was continuously crying after the death of her husband, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law. Her family was taking care of her while Aarav was busy with official formalities.

Even though he was completely broken by the incident, he was still taking care of his remaining family. Along with this, he was trying to find about the main culprit behind the accident, as this accident did not seem to be just a normal accident.

Few days passed by and Aarav had informed Amaya about the death of three members in their family. She was devastated after knowing that her parents and uncle are no more. Amaya knew her reality of being adopted by the Mehra’s but they never let her feel that she is not related to them by blood.

Amaya had a very strong and lovely relationship with the Mehra’s. And the reason they had informed her about being adopted is because they never wanted any kind of misunderstanding in future. She was 12 years old when she got to know about the truth, but this never affected any of her relationship with the Mehra’s, instead their relationship was getting stronger day by day.

After the accident, Amaya had become a completely different person. She was the most cheerful person in the house, who used to always pull pranks on the family. Even though she would get scolded by her mother, while her father always took her side which resulted in increasing her mischief personality.

However, she still smiles and laughs with others but she has become more serious than before. Whereas, her pranks are nowhere to be found anymore. She spends most of her time doing paintings, which have become a way for her to escape the stress and anxiety.

All of the work of Mehra Companies is handled by Aarav, who is currently in London from last month due to some business related work. Because of this Amaya and Neha are currently living in Oberoi Mansion.

Amaya has created a very nice and friendly bond with Rahul, who treats her like an elder sister, even for Amaya he is like a younger brother. Rahul is a very carefree person and because of this he often gets scolded by his father for not being serious about his life. But since the past month, Amaya has become his savior.


2000+ words

Hey everyone, so chapter 1 is completed. Do let me know how was it.

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